Saturday, December 1, 2012

Graduation Ceremonies, Talents, and Stewardship

We attended a graduation ceremony of sorts last night—our friend Joan Douglas was saying goodbye to the Care Net Family after 10 years of service with them in the Albuquerque area. Joan is off to the next iteration of life on her God-journey of faith. And she will be missed!

And it was fun for us to reminisce a bit about all that can happen in a decade—both in a life, and a ministry.

While there we got to reconnect with several friends of 30 60 100 MINISTRIES, and one of them asked a question we hear from time to time, "What are you guys doing now that you're not running the retreat center?" (After 20 months in this new iteration of ministry we get to explain this more often than we might expect.)
Now instead of combining 'bed and breakfast' kind of work with the training, coaching, strategic planning, preaching, and encouraging leaders that we do on a more global plane, we focus on everything we were called to do without having a retreat center to run. And maintain. And fund-raise for. And clean. And steward. And. . . .

Explaining the transition isn't too hard, especially when I tell them about a conversation the Lord and I had March 26, 2010. I remember well because it was the seventh anniversary of our move onto the property. Seven years is enough time for patterns of behavior to become habits.

"Dalton, let's talk about TALENTS. What are you doing with your talents?" 

I  leapt to my defense, "Lord—you know I have to cut firewood in the summer so we can burn it in the winter; and whack weeds, and haul water, and fundraise, and prep the place, and help Vicki when guests are here, and when they leave, and— and . . . ."

"Yes. Again, what about your talents? What about the things that I put in you that others (that can do all those things you just mentioned) don't do—or maybe can't do?"

"But I'm very busy!"

"OK. If you were standing in front of me today—as in: having assumed room temperature, you no longer run a retreat center ministry because that assignment is over. What do you say when I ask you, 'What did you do with the talents I gave you—specifically: 

  • the ability to speak into peoples' lives 
  • the ability to teach and pray and encourage and provoke to Godliness—
  • —all those special things I put in you? 

What did you do with them?'"

Matthew 25:14-30 was becoming all too clear to me.
Talents can be inside us, but unused! Or, underused.... And whether we were busy doing GOOD THINGS or not has no bearing on the way it looks to the One who gave us the talent.

Me, looking at myself: I was too busy working in the ministry to do the REAL WORK of the ministry— that I was called to do—the work that was God's assignment.

God looked at my explanation from a different point of view:
I have given this guy a lot of stuff to use for eternal purposes. Where is all that stuff? Why's he burying it? He needs to get after doing the important things all the time, and stop doing the unimportant things most of his time. 

That launched me into a soul-searching process that I highly recommend. And, it meant laying down some things that I really didn't want to see go away. And picking up some things that meant more work, and uncomfortable conversations, and challenging tasks, and invigorating opportunities....

Today, we are preparing for new adventures way beyond the scope of the 25 acres that we stewarded for 8 years or so. In the New Year 30 60 100 MINISTRIES is expanding its outreach into Central America, twice. We had an hour-long conversation this week with a sister in Canada asking for help with a ministry leader-couple she ministers to in South Africa.

Our horizons are much bigger than they were just 20 months ago when we said our last goodbye to the retreat center property, and laid down one 'package' to turn and pick the other that had become so comfortably wrapped in a napkin—buried too much of the time.


From experience I can recommend having this conversation when you can still do something about its content.

The results have been exhilarating for us—and we're only beginning to see what is going to happen as we faithfully steward HIS talents in us.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Testify World 2012 Mixer—I meet David Wood - a MULTIPLIED IMPACT-kind of guy!

Working with Jerry Chavez (the founder and president of the Ark Organization—see Jerry's LinkedIn profile) I've found you have to keep up!

Several months ago when Jerry asked Vicki and me to join his Board of Directors, we talked about what he was looking for in a board member, and what we might do to help him as he pioneers the first year of the Acts of Random Kindness Organization.
He said something about how 'a little mentoring would be a big help'. We didn't know what kind of a Jesus-energized guy he was. But as we've gotten to know Jerry, we've found that he wants to see BIG THINGS happen in GOD'S KINGDOM, and he is a CONNECTOR.

Yesterday was the first day of the TESTIFY WORLD 2012 event. Jerry has coordinated a TED talks type spinoff, only this is more like TED on Jesus-strength power. Last night was the mixer— a chance for attendees to mingle with the speakers, chat, and get to know them personally. Tonight, these speakers will present their TESTIFY talks at the Albuquerque Museum. (Tickets at the door still available—6 PM tonight.)

Doing setup and behind the scenes stuff at the venue yesterday morning was the normal-to be expected kind of stuff, but I got to do the coolest thing: pick up one of the speakers at the airport and chauffeur David Wood to his hotel. Traffic was bad on the freeway, and being David's first trip to Albuquerque, he was game to take 4th Street, so we had some time to chat. David was not my stereotypical Hollywood producer-type guy: instead my first impression was 'this guy is down to earth, loves God above all else, and is focused on doing something that will unite the Body of Christ GLOBALLY!' He's an awesome, God's Kingdom-focused, and easy to know guy.

David is creating the perfect sequel to Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ, a movie called The Resurrection. You can read all about it at the Resurrection Project website here. Beyond telling the story that puts the power of God to work in every believing heart, the big deal about this movie is this: it won't just release in theaters in 2014—but it will release online WORLDWIDE! When it comes out, you will be able to see the same movie on your device: desktop, laptop, iPad, Kindle, TV, or church big-screen ANYWHERE, ALL AROUND THE WORLD!

The movie tells the story that believers in Jesus EVERYWHERE will be able to understand, and share with their family and friends.

At a time when so many Christians are spending their energy bemoaning their economic situation, the political situation, or their country's deteriorating relationship with the rest of the world, here is an example of something ANOINTED, POSITIVE, and EMPOWERING that is happening behind the scenes - but that will CHANGE the scene! Take a look for yourself. This is not just another 'Jesus' movie, it's a game changer that will mark a turning point in history. 

Thanks for the chance to meet David, Jerry. I'm pumped to meet another believer in the importance of MULTIPLIED IMPACT, and someone who's not just looking on and moaning, but is investing all they are to do something that will change the world!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Life in the Back 40 — Life's Challenges and their Solutions

"Extending into the Back 40" doesn't just mean Go. Teach. Leave.

It means become aware, learn, and care.

Click here to learn more about the 30 60 100 and the Back 40

Last week the news carried a tiny blip about an earthquake in Guatemala. We read that news, and thought of the families in La Esperanza, the village outside of Quetzaltanango, three hours northwest of the capital, Guatemala City. Then we received an email from Mildred Plumley, our beloved friend and sister in Jesus, telling her story of what it's like to experience an earthquake in a remote place like theirs.

I invite you to read it and listen to your responses. We'd love to hear your comments after you finish reading.

To all of my dear contacts:  Greetings

Several of you have written emails asking about the earthquake that happened this morning.

First of all, we are all fine, and we only lost a few little glass items, like flower vases and knickknacks, albeit, some of our furniture moved around, framed pictures were all askew, but still on the walls.  Hilda and I were waiting in Quetzaltenango for commencement exercises to begin.  More than half of the crowd was still outside, but when it was realized that it was indeed an earthquake, those of us inside got up and made for the door.  Hilda HAULED me out, leaving my crutches inside. Screams and anxiety reigned while the very excellent marimba band played on.  But nothing bad happened. Hilda, like many, many others, was trembling pretty hard, but, am I stoic, or what? I don´t enjoy quakes, but they don´t scare me. Folks waited for an aftershock which never came. We entered the building again and enjoyed the graduation. There is a 48 hour ¨red alert¨ which means that the next 48 hours after the initial shock could bring another quake, so be prepared.  That means, have flashlights, drinking water, food, etc.

When we reached our street after the graduation, we were shocked to see our neighbor´s house right across the street from us in shambles. I hadn´t realized the house was of adobe, but plastered over, and the folks had put two rows of cement blocks on top of the adobe wall on the street side, and all of the blocks fell on the street. Many houses are at the street, ours is back a little ways. A relative of this family lives next door to them and Hilda´s sister Blanca, who lives next door to us, have taken into their homes the furniture; the ruined house is empty. All of the family minus papa was in the house, but at the back, so no one was even injured. There are 7 children, from 18 down to 2 years. 

Hilda served supper to the whole family here in our home. 3 of the boys are staying with us, the parents plus the little girls and one boy are with Blanca, and the 10 year old girl is with Hilda´s cousin who has girls near her age.  Relatives and neighbors have been over there ever since the quake, and help is getting to them, praise the Lord.  They will now have to build a block home.

This family is extremely poor, the mother and children are salt of the earth folks.  Papa hasn´t always worked, I guess he just wasn´t ambitious and he drank a lot to boot.  But, for about 2 years now he has held a job and is really a dad to his kids.  The mother has trained her kids to be very polite, here we say, translated, ¨well educated.¨ Hilda and Amilcar have hired the boys to do garden and yard work, and they are excellent, eating at our table on the days they work here.  All of the boys know how to work, and that has boosted greatly the income for the family.  And when we want a good quantity of tortillas, or other Guatemalan foods made of corn, Mama Odelia will do that for us, well made, and that helps her financially, too.  She is a very sweet patient lady.

So this is how things are here. Friends from the department of San Marcos called to say that they were OK, just shaken up. But the city of San Marcos has 30 collapsed homes and about 40 dead plus 100s injured. The epicenter was offshore from the port city of Champerico on the Pacific coast, the quake was 20 miles deep, without tsunami.

With love to each and every one of you,


Learn more about 30 60 100 MINISTRIES work in the Back 40.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

30 60 100 MINISTRIES is EXPANDING into the BACK 40!


After much prayer and dialogue with the Board of Directors and several advisory team members, 30 60 100 MINISTRIES is expanding into the Back 40!

Over the years this ministry has made forays into foreign locations to work with everyday people—missionaries, local church leaders, nationals, recently-converted local Christians, expatriates—who have a distinctive hunger for opportunities to grow spiritually. Now, we sense God's Hand directing us to make purposeful and regular efforts to go, encourage, and help them grow spiritually. 

Over the coming weeks this is what we'll be talking about on our blog, but if you're interested in more NOW, just CLICK HERE to see our website pages about the Back 40!

Friday, October 26, 2012

What's the Back 40?

Landowners refer to their undeveloped land as their “Back 40.”  It’s the remote area of their property which is last to be cultivated.

In the same way, tens of thousands of our brothers and sisters in Christ are living the “Back 40” spiritually, limited by a lack of finances, resources, and geographical remoteness.  They are eager to cultivate their “fields.” Investing in these hungry Christians with training, coaching, and discipleship equips them to cultivate their “Back 40” for Christ.

In the jungle, sometimes the Back 40 was in danger of being burned up.

And we'd have to take our oxen to the fields to create protection lines to keep the fires from destroying everything.
The Back 40 was important to us then — and it is to God now!

Watch for more coming soon about how we want to help those living in spiritual "Back 40" locations around the world.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

About the Back 40

Neglected.                Isolated.               Underdeveloped.

Christian leaders in the Back 40 seek spiritual cultivation.
This was what the Back 40 looked like in the Colombian jungle where we lived and worked for 16 years.
When you live in remote and isolated places, you don't get the attention you deserve—and at 30 60 100 MINISTRIES God has been "bothering" us about that. Can't rest, need to do something about it.

Stay tuned to find out more about 30 60 100's expansion into the Back 40.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque

If you're in town for the 2012 Balloon Fiesta, be sure to drop plan to call us, then drop by and see our new offices! (This is a glimpse of our entry area and waiting room.)

We're not far from the Fiesta field, and you have plenty of mid-day hours to find something to do! This is the 41st Balloon Fiesta held in Albuquerque, and we expect over 800,000 visitors.

This year's event will have pilots representing 19 countries. International balloons will get the spotlight on Wednesday, October 10 during the Flight of the Nations. Up to two balloons from each country will launch while carrying their country's flag during the mass ascension.

We hope you enjoy your stay in Albuquerque - and if you have a moment, do drop by and see us!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

If you are in Albuquerque on August 17th - come by and see our new digs!

What:  Come and go Open House
Time:  11AM - 6PM on
Date:   Friday August 17th

Location: 3150 Carlisle Blvd. NE, Suite 208, Albuquerque

Call for information - 505.291.6050


Tuesday, June 26, 2012


It's time for 30 60 100 MINISTRIES to relocate.

Our good friends at the Murchison Training Center have grown so over the past year that they need our space. We have been hunting for a great location to serve the local community, and have found a wonderful space just 5 or 6 miles from our existing offices - only more centrally located.

We will be closer to the center of the city, with easier access for everyone, and a little closer to our friends on the West Side and right in the heart of New Mexico. The office is close to both freeways, with plenty of parking, easy in-house access, and even a corner office!

Our new digs will be a comfortable place to meet, coach, strategize, and GROW!

We should be in early in July, so watch for more information, and the new address coming SOON.